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News in Brief

April 16, 2012


Apple down, ARMS up At a time when technology giant Apple is facing huge and growing problems with its latest product, the much smaller Cambridge-based company ARM Holdings is looking like a major British success story. They have developed a new energy-saving microchip which the company claims might enable a whole new wave of internet-connected […]

News In Brief

February 13, 2012


Underwater walking It has long been a feeling among paleontologists that the African lungfish, with its odd and lobe-shaped fins, similar to the ancestors of the first verterbrates to walk on land, might be a good model for our ealiest ancestors.

Omega man

February 13, 2012


Just imagine a hard day at work. A bioogist is on his way home from work on the subway, since this is America we are talking about, and surrounded by the usual crowds of people, pickpockets and muggers. Suddenly he sneezes and his muscles start to feel stiff and cramped, his nose runs a little […]

One with nature

January 13, 2012


Some 3 billion years ago, life on Earth is presumed to have settled down to a single source from which all life presently on the planet descended. This last universal common ancestor (known as LUCA for short) is not presumed to be the first that arose on Earth, but the last one from which every […]

Breast is really best

December 14, 2011


For the first time, embryonic-like stem cells have been discovered in an adult. Perhaps not surprisingly, they were found in breast milk which is about as closely associated with embryonic cells as you can get without being the embryo or the pregnant mother.

News In Brief

December 14, 2011


Anyone for Orang pot-roast As if it were not enough that your home gets destroyed by effectively unrestricted slash-and-burn demolition, it now seems that Orang-Utan are also being eaten at a staggering rate as well. A survey of 6,983 people from 687 villages carried out by Erik Meijaard of People and Nature Consulting International in […]